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  • Today we can be proud of us. We are the first community in the world with an extensive clan system.
    Welcome Commanders,

    the Fanzone Clanbase is online with the code name "Clans incoming".
    Any registered and subscribed user can now create their own Clan or join existing clans.

    What can you do when creating a Clan?

    You can create a Clan in a category filter (Pro Clans, Amateur Clans, Fun Clans) and give your Clan a unique and individual name. Also you have the possibility to upload a clan logo in the size of 300x300 pixels. In addition, you can specify a clan tag. That will be displayed throughout the community and you can administrate the membership inside your Clan.
    That's not all. If you create a Clan you can fully administrate it. You can create groups and give them individual rights. Clan pages are an good way to represent your Clan. You can create unlimited clan pages.

    Each created clan will be checked by a Fanzone Staff member and will be activated if there's all right.

    You have now access to our new Support Area. You can post bugs and you can get informations about changelogs.
    Do you have questions or need help? Than check our Support Area.

    We wish you much fun on our community
    Your WoT:Blitz Fanzone Staff :honor:

    787 times read

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