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  • As you might know there is a new version of Platoon Madness available. We will start an parallel event which brings the gaming fun back to you. Put an end to continuous frustations and annoying Noob battles.
    Choose a platoon mate and a tier VII - X Tank. Write in each battle "Get Mad!" in the global ingame chat. Take a screenshot of it when at least 4 platoons are in the same battle. The player who uploads the most screenshots will win this event.

    Event time
    Start: Friday 2016-02-19, 12:00 (CET)
    End: Sunday 2016-02-21, 16:00 (CET)

    Prices *
    • 1st price: 14 days Community w/o any advertising + rare Platoon Madness Trophy
    • 2nd price: 7 days Community w/o any advertising + rare Platoon Madness Trophy
    • 3rd price: rare Platoon Madness Trophy
    * The prices will be applied once to the player only who has uploaded the screenshot, but not for its platoon mate. All prices will be awarded in the WoTB Fanzone Community.

    Additional conditions of participation
    • The screenshot has to show that in one battle participate at least 2 platoons in each team and the message "Get Mad!" is written in the global ingame chat.
    • Screenshots which show that all platoons belong to the same clan will be ignored.
    • Teamspeak and other Apps can be used for platoon communication.
    • Use the Platoon Madness Chat to check which Tier is chosen by other users.
    • Where can I find Platoon Madness?
      Please visit to join Platoon Madness.
    • What is Platoon Madness and how does it work?
      A detailed description of Platoon Madness can be found HERE (Fanzone Community) or HERE (Official Forums).
    • Where to upload the Screenshots?
      You can upload your screenshots in the Event thread on the Fanzone Community. HERE.

    1,272 times read

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