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  • New game version
    Tommorow comes and bring Update 2.3 with itself! All about the changes in 2.3 you can read under the spoiler

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    New Content
    • Update 2.3 introduces the new Canal map. Set in a region of Northern Russia, it features unique weather conditions.
    • New medals for Rise of Continents added to the game.
    • Onigiri, a new consumable, added for Japanese vehicles.
    Changes to Functions for Clans
    • Clans can now set parameters for Auto-recruiting based on designated characteristics.
    • The Top 3 players by battles per day, victory ratio, and average damage will appear in the Clan Profile.
    • Clan recommendations for players, based on Auto-recruiting, have been added.
    • A larger selection of Standard Emblems has been added to the Clan Profile.
    • Feature for sending applications to Clans with 50 active members has been added. Auto-recruiting is also enabled.
    • Notification about viewing a Clan’s Profile after that Clan has been dismissed has been added.
    • Expandable sections of your Clan Contact list will allow you to easily select contacts. You can double-tap on Clan contacts and view their Profile!
    • Clan language list reworked.
    Fixes and Improvements
    • An original version of the Rockfield map has been restored to the game.
    • The ability to switch to a recommended Crew Skill has been added.
    • Achievements icon changed in the sidebar menu.
    • Changes made to certain Missions:
      • In Ramming I–VI, you now have to survive the battle to complete the Mission.
      • In Chase for Experience III–X and Top Performance X, you now have to earn more XP to complete the Mission.
      • In Damage Machine VI–X, the amount of damage that players have to inflict was reduced.
      • In Gunner VI–X, the number of hits should now be at least 7 per battle (not 10, like it used to be).

    • Rewards changed for completion of the following Missions: Lead Rain IX–X and Onslaught: U.S.S.R X, Onslaught: U.S.A. X, Onslaught: U.K. X, Onslaught: Germany X, Time to Win X, Military Academy: U.S.S.R. X, Military Academy: U.S.A. X, Military Academy: U.K. X, Military Academy: Germany X, Military Honor X, Challenge: Germany VIII–X, Challenge: U.S.S.R. VIII–X, Challenge: U.S.A. VIII–X, Challenge: U.K. VIII–X.
    • Some Missions removed from rotation:
      • Give the Enemy No Chance I, Base Capture X, Base Capture: Series IV–X, Mobility VII–Xall of these Missions will no longer be available for players. If you have received them prior to Update 2.3 and still have them in your Mission slots, they will remain available until they are completed or skipped.
    • Bug that caused vehicles to get stuck on a destroyed monument on the map Castilla has been fixed.
    • Bug that saved extra spaces in a Clan’s name and tag has been fixed.
    • Bug that caused battle result notifications to work incorrectly has been fixed.
    • Bug with the Clan tag disappearing after having converted in-game currencies to pay for it fixed.
    • Bug for irregular pop-up news behaviour fixed: it was constantly navigating to Premium Account, and not to the bundle being depicted.
    • Bug with news disappearing after locking the device or closing the app has been fixed.
    • Bug with some vehicles causing crashes on devices with tegra3 and tegra4 has been fixed (Android).
    • Various texts for notifications and descriptions improved.
    • Other general game client errors and crashes fixed.

    We want also remind,that tommorow will be a period of server downtime from 02:00 CET until 3:30 CET (UTC+1) :repair:

    All players who has had an Premium account on server downtime,would get a compensation - 1 DAY premium account. 8)

    Talk about this update in our forums: Update 2.3 incoming! :announce:

    691 times read

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