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  • Commanders,

    today we have achieved a milestone. Our Community has reached 10.000 posts. That means the highest reputation so far.
    No other WoT:Blitz Forum and no other WoT:B Community shows such a high activity. That is possible only because of you and your great contributions. We would like to say thank you!
    To celebrate this milestone with you, we've rolled out a short event.

    Event rules:
    • Collect more than 10.000 XP in total
    • Collect more than 10.000 Crew XP in total
    • Earn in each battle at least 10.000 credits
    • Cause at least 10.000 damage in total
    • In a maximum of 10 battles
    • In non-premium tanks Tiers 5, 6 and 7
    Following will not be considered:
    • Premium tanks
    • Premium rewards (XP multiplier, Premium Account)
    • Rewards for completed missions
    Important: The battles must not directly follow each other! You should collect the screenshots and post them in the event thread.
    It's over 10.000! Your Screenshots
    The screenshots have to look like this:

    The red marked items will be considered!

    The player who fulfills the requirements at first will win this short event. The event is taking place in the german and english community. So we will have two winners.

    And that's your prize:
    Fanzone Community without any advertising for 14 days and a beautiful trophy:

    Roll out! :honor:

    723 times read

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