Pinned ICE

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    • ((Promised ArnieQ I'd post this up here too))

      Hello and good evening everyone!

      A few months ago, together with Dimi, I set up something called ICE. ICE stands for Inter-Clan Event(s). At the time, we did this because we noticed that though there are a lot of clans out there, we didn't really know each other. This had led to misunderstandings and prejudices between the clans that really should not be there. And with the clans in game, there's a heck lot more of them. Back then, it was a joined effort from me in LOCA, and Dimi in the Legion. Now though, we're both in Phoenix, and it's a Phoenix project.

      So, the idea is as follows;
      Every month, we have a server-wide clans-event that every (serious) clan can participate in. It's completely voluntary and by having it monthly, it means that everyone can join in at one time or another, but also that it's fine if people can't make it every time one is held. Because it's only monthly, this will also allow for enough time for clans to have their own events and competitions in between. It doesn't matter how many members from any which clan can join in - it's all about having fun together and getting to know and respect each other.

      Aside from allowing all the clans to get to know one another better, I think it will also be good training for the Clan Wars that we will, eventually, have. I don't see any reason why, even if we are all competitive clans and want to pwn every other clan, we can't be civil with one another and have fun with one another all the same. Now, I'm not expecting everyone to become the best of friends, and some players even hate one another, but there's nothing we can do about that. I'm not stepping into any personal feuds between players, that's for them to solve, not me or any clan-leader. But please keep in mind, it's all just a game and it should just be fun for everyone.

      Another reason why these events will be fun and a challenge is because we will have a lot of good players together in a match, rather than the people we meet nowadays, who don't know what side of their tank is the front and which is the back.

      The events will be held on Friday one month, and Saturday the month after, so that everyone will have an opportunity to join in.

      We'll hold them on TeamSpeak3, because most clans already use that, and it is the best program to use while gaming because it doesn't tax your system too much. Not everyone has TS yet and the app costs money, and some of the younger people can not afford it because of it. If it is an issue for your clan, please PM me and I'll explain what you could do.

      The events will start at 7pm (19:00) UK-time/8pm (20:00) CET. People will platoon with people from their own clan, and each platoon will get their own room. I'll make a category per clan in our TS, and form platoon rooms in that, so every clan will know where they are expected to go straight away and the lobby won't fill up.

      Using the whisper function, we will do a count down every 8 minutes (because everyone should be out of battle by then) and we'll all hit 'battle' together. That means that if I'm in a battle that becomes a draw, you will only get a warning at 30 secs before the countdown instead of one also at 2 mins before the countdown. This will get a lot of platoons together in one battle and make for interesting gameplay. For 45 minutes we'll play tier X, then 45 minutes of tier VIII so people can earn their credits back.

      Then, around 8:30pm UK time/9:30pm CET, those that want, can come to the lobby (leading to one massive conversation) and we'll enter battles to mess about. We'll enter battles just for fun - anything goes and we'll decide then and there what we want to do and in what tier we want to do it in. If the lobby becomes too busy, we'll divide everyone over a few rooms to avoid the pressure on everyone's system and ears. Of course, those that prefer can stay in their platoon-rooms and keep doing serious battles or go to a different room devised for it to keep entering serious battles together. I will understand it if those that do not speak (good) English, leave the event when the second part begins, because it will be more difficult to understand for them what's going on and what's expected of them.

      It will be important for everyone to be aware of the noise that comes with them. Headphones are a must, and people that have a lot of background noise or echo, will need to turn off their microphones. Players will use Clan-tags in TS (so I'd become Amaunet85 [PHNX] for example)

      ICE will be held on Phoenix's ts-server from now on, of which I'll post up the address when we get closer to the next one.

      I'll be editing this post to make a list of things that have been decided on and problems that have been spotted and/or resolved, so that all the important information about the first event can be found easily for everyone.

      The next ICE is on March 12th! 7pm (19:00) UK-time, 8pm (20:00) CET.

      Ts server is:

      If anyone has any questions regarding these events, feel free to contact me.

      - Amaunet85 and Back2Black_

      Participating Clans (in alphabetical order):
      • 2nd Armoured Group [ACES]
      • Active Frontline Klan [AFK]
      • AlphaWolves [AW]
      • BeastMod [B_M]
      • Breakthrough [BRTH]
      • Doom_F1sh [KV-2]
      • Empros [EMRS]
      • Equilibrium [EQUI]
      • Fanzone [FZ]
      • Funzone [FUZ]
      • H4pky [HPKY]
      • Kommando Special Zocker [KSZ]
      • Kraken Team [KRKN]
      • LOCA [LOCA]
      • Machetelodicoafare [MACH]
      • The Mighty Squirrels [SQUI]
      • Mit Freundlichen Grüßen [MFG]
      • Most Valuable Tankers [MVT]
      • Nice 2 Kill You [N2KU]
      • Phoenix [PHNX]
      • Requiem [REQ]
      • Sparta Phalanx [SPRTA]
      • StopCry! [STCY]
      • Tanking UNAcums [TUNA]
      • Tercios Españoles Spanish Rush [TESRH]
      • Tokugawa [TKWA]
      • Under Armour [UNAR]
      • Valiant [VLNT]
      • Vanguard [VG]
      • Very Important Noobs [VIN]
      • Undefeated [W4RO]
      • W.A.R. [WAR]

      Things that have been decided on:
      • Everyone must wear headphones.
      • People with a lot of background noise or without headphones that echo, must mute their microphone.
      • People will use clan-tags in TS - for example, I'd be Amaunet85 [PHNX]. This will make it a lot easier to determine who belongs where.
      • If you do not have a tier X, you're free to pick a tier IX.
      • If you do not have a tier VIII, you're free to pick a tier VII. If you do not wish to do that, do not take part in the countdown until we switch tiers, to keep things fair.
      • In general; if you do not have the tier we're driving, you're free to pick the tier below that, but not the tier above it, because that would give you an unfair advantage. If you do use a higher tier (even if it's just one of the two in a platoon), you will get kicked from the ts-server and won't be able to participate in the rest of the event that day.

      Want to join in the next one? Comment on this topic, and let me know what clan you represent =)
    • For our german readers a short summary in german language:

      Es gibt ein Inter-Clan-Event, initiiert von PHNX. Ziel des Ganzen ist, dass sich die Clans untereinander besser kennenlernen und sich ein bisschen mehr liebhaben, als das wohl in manchen Fällen der Fall ist.

      Das Event findet regelmäßig statt. Jeden Monat, wechselnd an einem Freitag und Samstag, Beginn 19.00 Uhr GMT bzw. 20.00 Uhr CET.

      Man trifft sich auf dem TS-Server von PHNX, jeder Zug der teilnimmt bekommt einen eigenen Teamspeak-Raum. Es gibt nur Züge von gleichen Clans. Über die Räume hinweg gibt es alle acht Minuten einen Countdown (wie die das technisch machen, weiss ich nicht, vielleicht kann ein TS-Spezialist dazu was sagen). Läuft der Countdown runter, drücken alle gleichzeitig auf Gefecht. Acht Minuten deshalb, weil dann alle Gefechte beendet sind und alle mal durchatmen können.

      Kopfhörer/Headset ist Pflicht und jeder hat dafür zu sorgen, dass es keine Nebengeräusche gibt. Ggf. muss dafür das Mikrofon ausgestellt werden. Man sollte sich außerdem im TS mit Nickname und Clantag zu erkennen geben, also z. B. ArnieQ [FUZ],

      Die ersten 45 Minuten wird Tier X gespielt, die zweiten 45 Minuten Tier VIII (zum Credit-Verlust wieder heranfarmen). Ziel ist es, wirklich anspruchsvolle Gefechte möglichst Bob-befreit zu führen.

      Ca. um 21.30 Uhr kann man sich im Teamspeak in der Lobby treffen. Da wird gequatscht und dann beginnt auch der Spaßteil. Alles geht und kann gefahren werden. Man sollte dort aber englisch verstehen, damit man mitkriegt, was gerade anliegt und getan wird. Gespräche sollten da ansonsten aufs Minimum reduziert werden (Ohren der anderen schonen). Man kann, wenn man möchte, auch in den Zug-Räumen bleiben.
    • I'll add the ts server in the first post as well (never do that too early to avoid the ts being swarmed), but it's

      I create a bunch of rooms beforehand, and give every clan their own section. I've found that most clans hang out in their clan's lobby during the event rather than go to separate platoon rooms, so feel free to do that if your guys prefer that =)
    • We have a quite similar event sometimes and i would love to take part in this one too. So please add the FunZone[FUZ] clan, thank you! I am already looking forward to it, meeting new people and some chaos battles. ;)

      Ein Furz ist der Rückenwind des kleinen Mannes.
    • There is a great idea behind it and in my oppinion it will be a funny and nice event for the future! I would like to be a part of it and it would be great if you can place the FunZone Clan 2 too.

      FunZone and FunZone 2 is one clan, but ArnieQ divided it, because to many Fanzone members want to join it and WG allows (only) 50 members for a single clan.

      Is a great Chance to get in contact with other nations and players!

      Like the Fanzone slogan: From Player - For Player :)
    • @Amaunet85: Nice Event, but next time please only Tier X. Some people misunderstanding you with the Tier VIII and IX problem. My english is not really good and i played Tier IX too. If we play all together in the lobby, we can play Tier I or X.
      We looking forward to join the next events :)

      Good Game and Roll out! :honor:
    • @Amaunet85: Great work and a really good moderation. Thank you very much for your outstanding effort! Unfortunately I learned, that I am not good enough for these events, so next time I think I will be a spectator only... Lost 8 of 8 games tonight... :)

      @SevenRichieWhite: I reported two guys running T-54s in a Tier-VIII-Battle. Both guys are members of one of the Pro-Clans, who have English as their clanlanguage and were both connected to the events TS-server. So, in my opinion this was no misunderstanding, but deliberate unfair playing or lets call it by its name, "cheating". I left right after this game, no need to spend my credits to push someone else's stats. I am an average player, and I cannot stand against this, sorry.
    • Thanks again for the funny event.
      Next time I will avoid the Tier VIII Countdown. It doesn't make sense to play against Tier IX clan platoons while our team has random toptiers. A few clan players had played stock tanks. Of course they were in the green team.
      Stabil bleiben!

    • Hey guys!
      Glad to hear you enjoyed it (for the most part).
      I've added some rules regarding people (claiming) to not have a certain tier. It wasn't a problem before, but then it was just one or two, but this went way too far. Some of the guys running around in tier IX tanks I know have tier VIII tanks, so I'm very disappointed in them. This way, the next time they do it, I can manually kick them out of the event. If it happens enough, I might go as far as kicking the Clan out of the invite-list. It's disrespectful and rude, imo, and I don't tolerate that kind of behaviour. They represent a clan, and thus their behaviour reflects on that clan as well, in my opinion.
      So they either have the choice of picking a lower tier, not join in the countdowns, or get kicked out when they pick a higher tier.

      But a few idiots shouldn't ruin the fun for everyone, so with these new rules implemented, please join in for the whole of it =)

      Next ICE is Friday, October 9th =)