I assume it might be annoying, as this idea was probably discussed elsewhere, but I decided to share it, as I was thinking about it for quite a long time.
First of all, I want to say I am completely ignorant about software development, websites, ect.
Few months ago I was member of another clan (actually I am facing the same issues with my new clan, but its another story).
So at that time the clan was quite let's call it "idle".
I mean most of the members just joined the clan (I think to use cheaper supplies), but that is all. They did not communicate, not participated in any suggested clan activity. In other words, the clan mates were just playing the game, some of them even not regularly. (Those who played from time to time, but were members of the clan, I called them Weekend Players).
I understand that most of us (same is with me) have other things to do in life, but when it comes to the game, I think everyone can spare a few minutes to play a game or two and share a few thoughts with clan mates.
I personally found that when I get home from work, a few games help me just relax from the busy day and enjoy the rest of the evening with my family.
Anyway, not to go too far away from the topic.
So at that time I was thinking, how to motivate the clan mates to participate more, to be more involved. Well, the answer came a few weeks later, when I tried to organize internal clan wars. And the answer was "What is the reward?"
OMG, I can't offer them anything!
All the possible in game rewards cost real money (It's ok, the game needs to be supported, and at the end it's a business).
So I came up with the idea of Clan War Chest.
I am not sure whether it can be implemented in the game, but was thinking that it would be much easier to provide it in the WoT Blitz Assistant as a additional function. (Again I have no clue how software is made).
Shortly my concept of the said war chest:
Fund raising: Any clan member can donate to the clan war chest silver or free xp.
Then the Clan Leader can transfer/award to any player from the clan silver or free xp. Even clan members can borrow silver or free xp and then pay it back. Many options can be discussed.
But generally that is the simple description of the idea.
Well, thanks for reading this boring stuff and I really thing such "extra" will boost the clans activity and bring more joy in the game.
I assume it might be annoying, as this idea was probably discussed elsewhere, but I decided to share it, as I was thinking about it for quite a long time.
First of all, I want to say I am completely ignorant about software development, websites, ect.
Few months ago I was member of another clan (actually I am facing the same issues with my new clan, but its another story).
So at that time the clan was quite let's call it "idle".
I understand that most of us (same is with me) have other things to do in life, but when it comes to the game, I think everyone can spare a few minutes to play a game or two and share a few thoughts with clan mates.
I personally found that when I get home from work, a few games help me just relax from the busy day and enjoy the rest of the evening with my family.
Anyway, not to go too far away from the topic.
So at that time I was thinking, how to motivate the clan mates to participate more, to be more involved. Well, the answer came a few weeks later, when I tried to organize internal clan wars. And the answer was "What is the reward?"
OMG, I can't offer them anything!
All the possible in game rewards cost real money (It's ok, the game needs to be supported, and at the end it's a business).
So I came up with the idea of Clan War Chest.
I am not sure whether it can be implemented in the game, but was thinking that it would be much easier to provide it in the WoT Blitz Assistant as a additional function. (Again I have no clue how software is made).
Shortly my concept of the said war chest:
Fund raising: Any clan member can donate to the clan war chest silver or free xp.
Then the Clan Leader can transfer/award to any player from the clan silver or free xp. Even clan members can borrow silver or free xp and then pay it back. Many options can be discussed.
But generally that is the simple description of the idea.
Well, thanks for reading this boring stuff and I really thing such "extra" will boost the clans activity and bring more joy in the game.