Trident Premium Clan

ATTENTION! The forum is archived and can only be read. You can find more information on our Discord server or on our Website.

Discord New Website

  • Marmelade73 -

    On the upper part here, click on the button "teamspeak" to find all the instructions to set it correctly.

    • Marmelade73 -

      Or you can hit the ip adress in the instructions and select "open with teamspeak", change your name from at example "iOS Client" to your current nickname, and you are ready to go.

    • Marmelade73 -

      Or, alternatively register on discord.

  • Monkzilla -

    Hi all :) happy to be part of a cracking unit of kick ass tankers

  • Andreas_kober74 -

    Welcome in our community, alway a good fight

    • Marmelade73 -

      Moin, und vielen Dank für die Willkommensgrüße.

  • KingMcMalm -

    Hey guys !

  • Marmelade73 -

    We should choose a logo for our clan. As our name is Trident or Nukem, i suggest a trident or a nuke like logo.

    • KingMcMalm -

      Agree and If You have one in minde Lets see it Or We could use the clan logo from blitz (red with whit lightning)

    • Marmelade73 -

      10 minutes photoshopping, it's something at least. Improvements or other ideas are welcome if we have some skilled member.