Ticket To The Hangar [T2TH] Premium Clan

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  • ArnieQ -

    I would like to ask you something. Is greeting at battle start to your clan not allowed? a member of your clan meant to me after the battle, i should stop "silly messages". I will do, but I would like to know if all of your clan members are so "friendly" to other clans? Thanks for an answer.

    • Assassins_Destroyer -

      Ich kann folgendes sagen, nicht alle Mitglieder können gleichzeitig fahren und schreiben, deswegen auch nicht alle auf Grüße von den Anderen antworten ..

  • ArnieQ -

    A warm welcome here and have a lot of fun.

  • 3ZT4M -

    Welcome and good luck!

  • T1G3R_A55 -

    Hi guys! Nice to see you here too! Good luck on the battlefield ;)

  • _syncopath -

    Welcome! Nice to see you here!

  • iCalimero -

    Nice! Welcome und good luck to you, guys! Have fun! Proud to see u here!

  • AlexMorphium -

    Welcome guys! And good luck with your clan!