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  • Noob-Videos auseinandergenommen

    Amaunet85 - - Game help


    I'm the first to admit that the way I drive tanks is peculiar, but I really don't need a puke bucket for it. I'm used to it, and it works for me This is my 'driving normally', really. I've always driven tanks this way, since I first started this game. But rest assured, I won't force you guys to follow my example

  • ICE 2.0

    Amaunet85 - - Clan Events


    ice01.jpg Hyyyyy everyone! The concept of ICE (Inter-Clan Event) is nearly 2 years old now, and is desperate for some updating. It was started way back when by Dimi2dimi_ and myself, with the purpose to bring clans closer together. At the time, there were a lot of prejudices and misunderstandings between the clans, and with this initiative, we hoped to overcome those and breed respect and understanding between the clans that participated. An extra reason for it was that at the time, was that cou…

  • ICE

    Amaunet85 - - Clan Events


    Hy guys! ICE Dec'16 will happen this Saturday, December 17th, starting at 7pm/19.00 UK time, 8pm/20.00 CET. For this ICE, the contest is as follows: - Get the highest amount of assisted damage This can happen in -any- tier now. - The assisted damage you got in battle will be divided by the tier you're playing in. So, 3k damage in tier X, will give a score of 3,000/10=300 2,700 damage in tier IX will give a score of 2,700/9=300 And so on, and so forth, ending with 300 damage in tier I will give a…

  • ICE

    Amaunet85 - - Clan Events


    Hy guys! In October we missed out, because WG moved the finals to when I had intended to hold ICE, but this month, even if short notice, we do have an ICE again. This Friday, November 18th, at 8pm/20.00 CET I hope to see you all on Phoenix ts again =)

  • ICE

    Amaunet85 - - Clan Events


    MarkICE.png Hy guys! I'm just going to assume that we'll be having this event as well: It is no secret that I adore tier I, and though the Loltractor will always be my tank of choice, this one is pretty darn special too! So in the light of the 100 years race, I want to host a little extra ICE event this Saturday (September 24th), where we'll drive the Mark I tank exclusively. Prepare for a night of derping and lots of laughter, where even tie…

  • ICE

    Amaunet85 - - Clan Events


    hy guys! =D Next ICE is this Friday, September 16th, 7pm/19.00 UK-time, 8pm/20.00 CEST =) For those participating in the King of Europe tournament - first of; good luck - you know we're going until deep into the night, so you can join after your battles =)

  • ICE

    Amaunet85 - - Clan Events


    3115_10917130102043408458560087950220206650711540n.jpg Hy guys! It's my pleasure to announce that in August, we will indeed have a Double ICE (to make up for the fact that we didn't have one at all in July)! Part One will take place on Friday, August 12th, starting at 7pm/19.00 UK-time, 8pm/20.00 CET Part Two will take place on Saturday, August 20th, starting at 7pm/19.00 UK-time, 8pm/20.00 CET For this Double ICE, we also have a combined contest: - Highest Damage-score across both ICEs (meaning…

  • ICE

    Amaunet85 - - Clan Events


    Hy guys! Bit short notice, I know, but something came up, and I have to move ICE a week earlier than I had originally intended. Therefore, ICE will be held next Friday, June 10th, at 7pm/19.00 UK-time, 8pm/20.00CET. Hope to see you all there!

  • ICE

    Amaunet85 - - Clan Events


    Hy guys! Firstly: I've had quite a few questions regarding ICE and the coming of training rooms, and I'll let you know this; I don't intend to move ICE to the training rooms. For me, the randomness of not knowing who will be in your team or in the enemy team is part of the charm of ICE and what makes it fun. I don't want fixed teams, and moving to training rooms would mean just that. The mingling, the chaos, I absolutely love that, and wouldn't give it up for the world. That mingling is why ICE …

  • ICE

    Amaunet85 - - Clan Events


    I owe you a big apology for that =( I have some things going on irl right now that take up a lot of time and energy. So I haven't been able to invest as much time as I want in the game and everything around it. This is also why I've stepped down as staff-member on the Fanzone site. I just can't give it the attention it needs and deserves right now. I did announce ICE some time prior in the main topic on the blitz-forum, but I forgot to add it here too. And for that, I'm very sorry.

  • ICE

    Amaunet85 - - Clan Events


    Hy guys! For this ICE10, which happens March 12th, there are two contests: - most kills + highest damage-score while doing so - least kills + highest damage-score while doing so This can happen in -any- tier. - The damage you have will be divided by the tier you're playing in to determine your damage-score So, 5k damage in tier X, will be 5,000/10=500 4,500 damage in tier IX will be 4,500/9=500 And so on, and so forth, ending with 500 damage in tier I will be 500/1=500 - If two people have the s…

  • Quote from SevenRichieWhite: “Nice Videos But you speak as quietly. Have to push my speakers to 400% ” Working on that. The mic I got already stopped the noise from my laptop that seemed ready to take off, but I have a different one now that'll hopefully make a world of difference.. *fingers crossed* @ Tiger: I know. I'm very special that way =P I don't know anyone else that drives like I do. As for the app I use; that's AirShou. It's the best one I've been able to find, even though my editor do…

  • Hy guys! =) Here's Phoenix's youtube-channel: Clan Phoenix on YouTube And here's my own playlist on there: Amaunet85's Gameplay and Reviews (p.s. yes, I know, I play the game as if it's an FPS. It works for me ) Enjoy! =)

  • ICE

    Amaunet85 - - Clan Events


    Quote from SevenRichieWhite: “Aye^^ @Amaunet85, ok this ICE was not so nice. We switched too fast to tier 8 But i heard something You can win a new tank called "Panzer Something 35" Thx for this funny information! Here we gooooo...…5215b4ac4e2151715044661f5 ” Ahahahaha omg XD You troll =P Glad you had fun, love =) That's a very high winrate for ICE XD I might just give more Panzer Something 35 away next ICE ='D Kind of have to now ='D Next ICE will be on Saturday, …

  • Graf Zahl bittet zum Tanz

    Amaunet85 - - Unofficially


    Sorry guys! I'll try to be more quick about it. I usually post up the date to the next ICE on the Blitz forum within a week after the last ICE. I wasn't sure on when I would be able to hold ICE this month though, and had to wait on some other info before I knew it'd be the 12th or 19th. Because I can't really hold ICE without being there myself (Also; you don't -need- a platoon partner for ICE, there's always people entering it solo, too, just saying) Whichever event you attend, I hope you guys …

  • ICE

    Amaunet85 - - Clan Events


    Yes, we have ICE this Friday! =) Had the time to post the news earlier, but forgot to edit the topic, sorry. Also; we have two contests running during this one as well: We're going with something similar as we did last time, but different. They are: - highest damage loss - highest damage win This can happen in -any- tier now. - The score you have will be divided by the tier you're playing in. So, 5k damage in tier X, will be 5,000/10=500 4,500 damage in tier IX will be 4,500/9=500 And so on, and…

  • Original article (German) by @Yolda Translated by: @Amaunet85 Commanders, Today (Translator's note:May 27th, 2015) I want to - ultimately inspired by DieMutter - introduce the AT 15A on Tier 7 - a British premium tank destroyer. Through luck, I've even achieved the Hero of Raseiniai-medal (destroy all seven opponents in a game) in this tank. I've been through luck in this tank even once (destroy all seven opponents in a game), the Hero of Raseiniai-medal achieved. index.php There is actually lit…

  • ICE

    Amaunet85 - - Clan Events


    Hy guys! Since I'm officially a Community Contributor since this Tuesday, ICE now comes with a new feature; contests! For this ICE, there are two: - highest damage loss - highest damage win Rules: - do the highest amount of damage in either a win or a loss, in a match with at least 8 ICE-participants. - take screenshots of both the battle results (as proof that it happened during ICE) and the teamresults (to show it was an ICE-match) - your clan has to be an official ICE-partipant - you or your …

  • ICE

    Amaunet85 - - Clan Events


    Hy guys! It's almost time again - this Saturday is ICE8! 7pm/19.00 UK-time, 8pm/20.00 CET. Hope to see you there! =)

  • ICE

    Amaunet85 - - Clan Events


    Hy guys! Sorry for being AFK for so long - every spare minute has gone into the contest recently >.> Never played so much in my life! Anyway, ICE7 is this friday, December 18th, 7pm/19.00 UK-time, 8pm/20.00 CET =) Hope to see you guys there =D