sorry, but i can´t join this time. I´m looking foward to the next ICE Event.
Pinned ICE
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Die größte europäische WoT:Blitz Fancommunity - Von Spielern - für Spieler -
Amaunet85 wrote:
Hey guys!
Sorry for being AFF for so long guys! Will try to make up for it!
But, for now, a reminder; ICE is this Saturday, starts at 8pm UK-time, 7pm CET! =) Hope to see you all there!
i guess it should be 7pm UK-time, 8pm CET, or am i wrong?
Hope to find the time to join this one -
Wife will be on a christmas party this friday so i can join!
I´m looking forward to ICE7! -
Unfortunatly I'm on another event this friday (with lots of alcohol), so i look forward to next ICE.
Hy guys!
Since I'm officially a Community Contributor since this Tuesday, ICE now comes with a new feature; contests!
For this ICE, there are two:
- highest damage loss
- highest damage win
- do the highest amount of damage in either a win or a loss, in a match with at least 8 ICE-participants.
- take screenshots of both the battle results (as proof that it happened during ICE) and the teamresults (to show it was an ICE-match)
- your clan has to be an official ICE-partipant
- you or your toonmate have to be on our ts-server for the event in order to participate in either contest (since not everyone can ts during ICE, it's OR, not AND)
- you can submit your screenshots for it in a seperate topic ( this topic ), until Sunday, January 17th, 23.59CET
- a Locust (because a fast little derpy tank fits ICE just perfectly) for each winner
- highest damage loss
Die größte europäische WoT:Blitz Fancommunity - Von Spielern - für Spieler -
... gibt es ICE-Willige dieses Wochenende???
Willig, aber das RL macht mir einen Strich durch die Rechnung.
Die größte europäische WoT:Blitz Fancommunity - Von Spielern - für Spieler -
so ab 21 Uhr wäre ich dabei. Da ich noch nie beim ICE event dabei war würde ich mich über einen erfahrenen Zugpartner freuen der mich "an die Hand nimmt". Tier X habe ich nicht, aber mit ST-I muss man sich ja in Tier X games auch nicht Verstecken.
Yes, we have ICE this Friday! =) Had the time to post the news earlier, but forgot to edit the topic, sorry.
Also; we have two contests running during this one as well:
We're going with something similar as we did last time, but different.
They are:
- highest damage loss
- highest damage win
- The score you have will be divided by the tier you're playing in.
So, 5k damage in tier X, will be 5,000/10=500
4,500 damage in tier IX will be 4,500/9=500
And so on, and so forth, ending with 500 damage in tier I will be 500/1=500
- do the highest amount of damage in either a win or a loss, in a match with at least 8 ICE-participants.
- take screenshots of both the battle results (as proof that it happened during ICE) and the teamresults (to show it was an ICE-match)
- your clan has to be an official ICE-partipant
- you or your toonmate have to be on our ts-server for the event in order to participate in either contest (since not everyone can ts during ICE, it's OR, not AND)
- you can submit your screenshots for it in this topic, until Sunday, Feburary 14th, 23.59CET
- If you score highest in both, you win the one where you did the most damage, and the other contest will be won by the next in line.
- a Pz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f) for each winner
- highest damage loss
Oh cool. Im winner in highest damage loss- IMMER SCHÖN LÄCHELN UND ANWINKELN -
Die größte europäische WoT:Blitz Fancommunity - Von Spielern - für Spieler -
@Amaunet85, ok this ICE was not so nice. We switched too fast to tier 8
But i heard something
You can win a new tank called "Panzer Something 35"
Thx for this funny information!
Here we gooooo...
Die größte europäische WoT:Blitz Fancommunity - Von Spielern - für Spieler -
and here are the results,... Love_and_Trust first Battle... 0 Damage!!!
... aber dann gings los,...
10 Gefechte,... 9 gewonnen,... herrlich!!!
Danke @HartMut259 für die tollen Gefechte und die vielen Tipps und Tricks,...!!! -
SevenRichieWhite wrote:
@Amaunet85, ok this ICE was not so nice. We switched too fast to tier 8
But i heard something
You can win a new tank called "Panzer Something 35"
Thx for this funny information!
Here we gooooo...
Glad you had fun, love =) That's a very high winrate for ICE XD
I might just give more Panzer Something 35 away next ICE ='D Kind of have to now ='D
Next ICE will be on Saturday, March 12th, 19.00/7pm UK-time, 20.00/8pm CET =)
Not sure yet what the contests will be though. -
Hy guys!
For this ICE10, which happens March 12th, there are two contests:
- most kills + highest damage-score while doing so
- least kills + highest damage-score while doing so
This can happen in -any- tier.
- The damage you have will be divided by the tier you're playing in to determine your damage-score
So, 5k damage in tier X, will be 5,000/10=500
4,500 damage in tier IX will be 4,500/9=500
And so on, and so forth, ending with 500 damage in tier I will be 500/1=500 - If two people have the same amount of kills, the damage-score is what will determine the winner
- get the most, or the least, kills with as much damage as you can in either a win or a loss, in a match with at least 8 ICE-participants.
- take screenshots of both the battle results (as proof that it happened during ICE) and the teamresults (to show it was an ICE-match)
- your clan has to be an official ICE-partipant
- you or your toonmate have to be on our ts-server for the event in order to participate in either contest (since not everyone can ts during ICE, it's OR, not AND)
- you can submit your screenshots for it in this topic, until Sunday, March 13th, 23.59CET
- If you score highest in both, you win the one where you did the most damage/got the highest score, and the other contest will be won by the next in line.
- a Pz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f) for each winner - or, as it's now called, the Panzer Something 35.
- most kills + highest damage-score while doing so
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