Communication menu

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    • Communication menu

      Hello, I want to share a some of the communication combination I use with the command console.

      Communication console - we call the menu where attack, affirmative, reload and negative commands are, shortly "comm con"
      Commands: Attack, Affirmative, Negative, Reload, ect. - we all know what they mean, but is it enough. To me? They are not enough.

      During a battle I want to say so many things, that these commands are just not enough. So here is a small list of how I use them:

      1. Attack = Ready to Attack, also it can be interpreted in many different ways, but still it means readiness to attack;
      2. Attack (tank) = mostly means attacking certain tank, however I prefer to use it to draw attention, so if anyone is in a position to engage to do so, maybe others didn't pay attention. This way I give signal to my team mates that there is a enemy .
      3. Attack + Affirmative = Attacking, moving towards possible target;
      4. Attack + Negative = I am not ready to attack, maybe reloading, maybe lag/pin, maybe just thinking what to do.
      5. Attack (tank) + Affirmative = Engaging the marked target;
      6. Attack (tank) + Negative = Saw the target, can not engage or move to a position to engage.
      7. Attack + Affirmative + Help = Engaging target, but alone too weak, need help.
      8. Attack + Reloading = moving to a better position;
      9. Attack + Reloading + Negative = will not attack, will not change position, reasons many, at least inform others that you will stay where you are;
      10. Capture the base = hint to the others to go to base, or defend it. Or just says "go get the damn base";
      11. Capture the base + Affirmative = I am going to the base, same is with the Defend the base;
      12. Capture the base +Negative = Do NOT capture the base, or get out (leave) the base, do not capture the base. (same for Defend the base);
      13. Attack (tank) + Reloading = Engaging, but need time to be able to shoot at the target, or really reloading ,but still preparing to engage the target;
      14. Attack (tank) + Reloading + Negative = wanted to engage, but something change the plan. Marked target can be engaged by someone else.
      15. Affirmative + Reloading = Moving but not ready to fire or engage;
      16. Negative + Reloading = Staying in one place, maybe lag/ping problems, maybe just still not decided what to do, shortly - not moving for now;
      17. Affirmative + Help = to me means only one thing - I am ready, but don't leave me alone;
      18. Help + Affirmative = Need help NOW!
      19. Help + Negative = Stay away, too many enemies;
      20. Negative + Help = I go alone;
      21. Negative + Attack = Wait, do not advance, shortly - camp for a while;
      22. Negative + Reloading = not ready at all. Confused again, what to do ;

      Have fun.

      All the best.
    • I am sorry, point 22 to be read as follows:
      22. Reloading + Negative = as above, or wtf to do now.

      Again, apologize for the mistake.
    • Nice idea.....

      - perhaps too complicated to remember
      - the noobs and honks out there are not even able to follow simple commands
      - everybody, who uses "capture the base" at battle start (rare occasions exempt, when it makes sense) immidiately gets a "negativ" followd from "only ldiots cap :-)" from me
      - I believe short cuts (keyboard text replacements) are a better way, at least for my old brain to remember

    • I fully agree that it is complicated, or let's say too much to remember.

      Honestly I myself sometimes forget, which combination had use.

      I personally prefer just to use only a few of them in random battles, as there are players who don't speak English or German (I personally don't speak German) so the comm con is quite useful when it comes to a language barrier.

      Frankly speaking only comm con signals as pints 3,4,7,11,12,14 I use regularly, when playing with tank destroyer (I can't play at all) I am pumping like hell (point 17), just so scared to be left a lone that at some point I drive others crazy.

      Also when playing medium, as I am extremely noob, and run ahead of others too far away, I am using point 19, guess what happens to me when I meet from 4 to 7 guns, which are aiming at me, and I realize I am the bonus in the game.

      Thank you and all the best.